The U.S marine attacked Iwo Jima on 19 Febuary 1945. Iwo Jima Island conquered after the big war on 16 March with the total 110,000 soldier were deployed to attack japanese that only had 18,061-18,375 soldiers in Iwo Jima. there was 6,281 U.S soldier killed and 19,217 U.S soldier wounded but japanese has more losses with 17,845-18,591 soldiers dead and 216 soldier captured. U.S also lost USS Bismarck Sea that sunk in 21 February 1945.
the 10th general Simon Buckner landed along the west coast of Okinawa on 1 April 1945. U.S marine soldiers has fought for 79 days and they only made a 23 km progress. the japanesse counter ended in 21 June. many U.S soldiers dead in this war including the 5th U.S navy. this armada had been attacked by the japanese kamikaze planes. and cause 26 U.S warships sunk.
The Japanesepositions on the island were heavilyfortified, with vastbunkers, hiddenartillery, and 18 km (11 mi) of underground tunnels. Americans were covered by extensive naval and air support, capable of putting an enormous amount of firepower onto the Japanese positions.
The battle was immortalized by Joe Rosenthal's photograph of the raising of the U.S. flag on top of the 166 m (545 ft) MountSuribachi by five Marines and one Navy Corpsman.
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